"PAN" - all
"RAEL" - Israel
We are knowledgeable about everything about Israel, and aim to promote collaboration between Japan and Israel, grow the two countries, and ultimately strengthen the bilateral relationship.
The Jewish people who have driven the modern world economy, and Israeli companies, like those of Japan, have unique business practices, governance required on both sides, and a sense of speed.
In order for us to collaborate with Israeli companies and produce great results, we will need to engage in deep communication and mutual understanding of the other party's cultural anthropological background, rather than just adapting to the other side.
opportunity and fate
Management Director Haratani, who has over 30 years of experience working at major companies in the Japanese economy, discovered the roots of growth and innovation in the vitality of Israeli businesses and the breakthrough power of Jews amidst a sense of crisis of gradually losing competitiveness. Did.
Since then, Director Haratani has personally built a diverse network in both Japan and Israel, shared the ideal vision of realizing innovation through collaboration with members and Israel, and began activities to explore ways to make this a reality.
To date, several firms and trading companies specializing in Israel are providing services similar to those provided by our company, but the quantity is insufficient compared to the many Japanese companies, the geographical areas are unevenly distributed, and the quality is still a work in progress. It turns out that there is room .
The services we provide are backed by our high level of expertise and execution ability.
Our members, mainly management, had deep ties to Israel before joining our company, and have contributed to building the current good bilateral relationship between Japan and Israel, both as individuals and as members of organizations.
Even in the current tense situation, we will not give up on our progress, maintain our local base in Israel, and stand with Israeli businessmen, workers, and citizens who are struggling under difficult circumstances.
sincere companion
A wide range of problems arise in collaboration between Japanese and Israeli businesses, and we have experienced them.To solve these problems, we need the management resources of our clients, either Japanese companies or Israeli companies. We place importance on detailed information sharing and provide the driving force to overcome good news or bad news.
In order to conclude and operate complex international contracts and resolve disputes, each stakeholder must smoothly carry out their duties and manage the entire process. We work to protect important information through operations and are accountable for achieving the best results for all stakeholders.
In addition to the areas in which we have experience, various industries have developed in Japan, and all of them have the potential to make great strides by coming into contact with Israel's innovation framework. , we will continue to research and learn about important operations and technologies, and contribute to all industries with high-quality services.
Don't get caught up in the stereotypes
Let's work together on "Out of box thinking," which is a fundamental characteristic of the Israeli people.Japanese people sometimes give up on innovative initiatives due to poor prospects, but by nature they are out of box thinking. This is just a starting point, and results can be produced through multiple trials and coordination involving those around you.
human society and culture
We will never forget to respect the individuality of all people and to respect and protect collective culture, which are fundamental to the development of global citizenship, and we will pursue the model of solving difficult problems through multi-ethnic working teams. In addition, we make judgments based solely on the person's personality and facts, without being misled by distorted opinions or consciousness.
投資ファンドでは無い私達の役務は, 償還期間にどれだけの益金が, という一区切りの利益では無く, 無限長の企業活動を仮定したときにその成長曲線に如何に正の要因を与えることが出来るかという利益を重要視しています. 当社にご依頼頂く事業が持続可能である為に, 様々ソリューションを用意しています.
Managing Director
Wataru Haraya
Mr. Haratani has long been involved in research in the field of natural sciences, including birds, and after studying abroad at an academy in the United States, he worked as an engineer at a long-established Japanese electrical equipment manufacturer.In later years, he spent many years conducting infrastructure inspections in Israel. I was involved in the equipment business.
Even before joining our company, he personally worked to build a strong network between Japan and Israel, conducting research on Israeli medical devices, agricultural technology, and energy technology, and providing useful information to many companies mainly in the Kansai region. We have a track record of providing information.
Managing Director
Eliya Tsuchida
Mr. Tsuchida は学生時代から現在までイスラエルに滞在しています. 在イスラエルの日本人の中でも屈指の滞在歴と現地におけるネットワークを誇り, 在イスラエル日本人交流会会長, テルアビブ商工会会員, イスラエル日本友好協会理事メンバーです.
コンピュータ技術を駆使し, 当時最先端であった拡張現実技術を用いたゲーム開発に携わりました. 日本語とヘブライ語の高い能力を活かして, 外交, 企業合併, 投資, 司法, 報道の場における通訳と翻訳の第一人者として知られています.
General Manager
Moriki Minowa
Mr. Minowa worked as an engineer at a major Japanese manufacturer and as a Factory Director at a foreign IT company, where he was in charge of important tasks such as ISO compliance, production management, and intermediate processing of industrial waste.At Panrael, he utilized his coordination skills. , oversees the background operations at the head office and is responsible for business management and governance.
Managing Director
Erika Tsuchida
Mr. Tsuchida is the president of the Japanese Exchange Association in Israel, a member of the Tel Aviv Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and a board member of the Israel-Japan Friendship Association. Utilizing his high level of Japanese and Hebrew proficiency, he provides interpretation in diplomatic, corporate merger, investment, judicial, and media settings. He is known as a leading expert in translation.
西郷 広暁
Mr. Saigo is a Japanese Jew who immigrated to Israel as a teenager. He is known as a well-known tourist guide with official certification in the State of Israel, and has also worked as an agent for Japanese companies for many years. Responsible for coordination work.
Medical & Health Technological Advisor
Yasuaki Nishikawa
Dr. Nishikawa is a Japanese physician who holds important positions such as director of a medical corporation and advisor of an association, and is involved in the development of new products and services. At Panrael, he tests products and technologies in the medical and health fields. We provide guidance and advice based on medical knowledge to related companies.
Yo Nasu
Mr. Nasu has served as a Treasurer, Controller, and Consultant for multiple companies in the information communication and transportation fields. He has extensive experience in project management across multiple companies. At Panrael, he was in charge of the client desk and was highly specialized. We will help you resolve management issues.